Information Technology

Prime Minister launches ‘AI For All’ – A CBSE, Ministry of Education and Intel India Initiative

On the occasion of the first anniversary of National Education Policy, The Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi launched “AI For All” initiative with the purpose of creating a basic understanding of artificial intelligence (AI) for every citizen in the country. This program is driven by Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), Ministry of Education and Intel India and can be accessed at

AI For All is a 4-hour, self-paced, micro-learning program which as applicable to a student, a stay-at-home parent as it is to a professional in any field or even a senior citizen. It is divided into two sections – AI Awareness (1.5 hours) and AI Appreciation (2.5 hours). The segment on AI Awareness provides an elementary understanding of AI and its potentials and pitfalls. The AI Appreciation segment helps learners get introductory knowledge of the common domains of AI and start building personal learning plans.

“It's our passion to help students do better in their career by increasing accuracy and learning motives.”

The program aims to introduce AI to 1 million citizens in its first year and is one of the largest AI public awareness programs worldwide. To ensure inclusive access, it is available in 11 different vernacular languages for anyone with digital access. The content is also compatible with various talkback applications to make it accessible for visually impaired people.

About New-Age Public School

The New age Public School, Gadarwara, Educational Institution is a CBSE affiliated owned and managed by L.K. Education Society, Gadarwara, with Late Shri C.L. Shah as Founder. The School was begun to meet the growing need of a good institution in and around Gadarwara, an Institution which aims to develop the head, heart and hand, The aim of school is not only to impart knowledge but also to create a proper milieu where in the spiritual moral emotional , physical, social, psychological and aesthetic faculties of the student will be formed and adequately developed . This School hopes to emulate the Gurukul pattern and synchronizes with the Modern Pattern of Education.

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