
Re-defined for the 21st Century, Academic Rigor

Schools that combine academic rigor with test-taking, hours of homework, and rote learning have been preparing students for success over the past century. The rigor at NAPS is very broad as we provide our students with opportunities to explore real-world concepts and issues, challenge assumptions, think critically, and acquire skills that they will need on their academic and future professional journeys. will need to be implemented.



Your Child's Questions Will Change the World

NAPS didn't invent inquiry-based learning, but we're sure it does well. From the early years, our students are encouraged to post questions on their class's wonder board. The genius part of this process is that the questions spark their curiosity and then their curiosity leads to more questions.

As they progress through the grades in their learning journey, their questions become the basis for their inquiry and research into the world around them.


We emphasize your Child's academic interest

We are happy to share the ingredients of our secret way, to make your child a lifelong learner, but only on one condition. You must promise that whatever school you choose for your child, you will share this way with people.

  • First, Give students the freedom to explore and inquire the world around them.
  • Second, Provide them with plenty of opportunities for reflection as well as for collaboration with their peers. Then, give them the tools to assess themselves as learners.
  • Next, Give them the opportunity to present their learning at student-led parent-teacher conferences.
  • Finally, Repeat these steps over and over for 12 years. If you follow this way you will end up with kids who take ownership of the learning process, have a vision to chart their own curriculum and have the strength to learn anything whenever it is needed. keep.
“It's our passion to help students do better in their career by increasing accuracy and learning motives. Get in touch with our team”

Mr. Saket Shah
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New-Age Public School
